If you need any assistance with your inMusic product, or even just have some questions before or after purchasing an inMusic product, our support team is here to help! There are a few ways you can get in touch with us:

  1. Visit our Knowledge Base - Our brand knowledge base pages are full of FAQ questions and setup guides to help you find success with your product right out of the box! Before contacting support, we recommend doing a quick search of our knowledge base. You may just find what you're looking for!

    To find our support knowledge base, you can click here and select the brand knowledge base you wish to search. Each knowledge base page will feature a Search bar at the top to help you find relevant articles based on keywords and phrases.

  2. Submit a Support Ticket - Connect with us at any time of the day by sending a support ticket. To do this, find the New Support Ticket button at the top of this page, or any of our support pages.

    In order to help with the best possible response, please be sure to select the correct product from the drop-down list and include as much relevant information as you can. For example, if you're having trouble registering your product, providing a serial number will be crucial.