In this article we will go through the steps to manage your plugins in your Content Download Drive.
On default, this location will be Internal. However, we would advise changing this to an External Drive (SSD, USB drive, SD card etc) to free up space on your MPC's Internal drive:
Synths Folder: As mentioned, once your plugins have been downloaded, they will be stored in a Synths folder. The example below shows an SSD drive we have installed called Test:

*Note: MPC Stems Separation will not appear in this directory on MPC hardware.
Important: There should only be one Synths folder - Either on the MPC's Internal drive or on an external drive (SSD, USB drive, SD card etc).
Deleting Synths Folder & Moving Plugins to a Single Drive Location:
If you find the Synths folder is currently located on your MPC's Internal Drive (Menu > Browser > Places > Internal) and you want to free up space, please delete the entire Synths folder by pressing Shift and Tap Delete.
Important: Please do the same if there is a Synths folder on another external drive that you may have used in the past. The goal is to have one drive acting as your Content Download Drive - as having multiple Synths folders present on multiple drives will cause issues with plugin usage.
Once this has been done, perform the following steps in order:
*Note: This external drive will need to be permanently connected to your MPC when activating and installing your plugins. We would suggest using an SD card or user-installed SSD (MPC Live, Live II, X, X SE and Key 61 only)