Saving To An External Drive
A folder named Projects should be created on the root of your external drive, and all projects should be saved inside of that folder. This is the best directory path for storing and loading your projects.
- Connect an exFAT-formatted USB flash drive, SD card, or internal SSD (if supported) to your MPC standalone device.
- Create your project, then go to Menu > Save > Project As.
- Select your external flash drive from the Storage column on the left-side.
- If you do not already have a Projects folder, Tap the onscreen New Folder button, name it Projects, then tap Do It.
- You will automatically be directed inside of the folder. Tap the Save button to save your project here. This will save a .xpj as file as well as a folder of the same name followed by _[ProjectData].
Example: If your project name is MPCPROJECT1, there will be an accompanying folder named MPCPROJECT1_[ProjectData]. When backing projects up, it is important to back up both the .xpj file as well as the associated _[ProjectData] folder.
Note: The project data folders will be hidden by default, press the gear icon and uncheck "hide project data folders" to access.
Please do not store anything other than projects and their associated project data folders inside of the Projects folder.
Backing Up To An External Drive
Suppose you are looking to back-up projects that were previously saved on the internal factory drive of the MPC to an external drive or SSD. In that case, you will need to open each project individually and follow the steps below. We recommend leaving some "headroom" on your MPC's internal factory drive of at least 1-3 GB to ensure smooth operation.
- Press Menu>Browser and choose Internal from the Storage column on the left-side.
- Then, choose MPC Documents>Projects. You should find the projects saved to the internal storage there unless you have chosen to save projects to another location.
- Click on the "project name .xpj" and click load.
- Next, follow steps 1-5 above to save to an external storage device.
- Repeat for all projects.
- Once you have backed the projects up, you can delete them by returning to the MPC Documents>Projects folder on the Internal location, highlighting the project, and holding Shift, then pressing Delete File on the screen. Be sure to click the gear icon and make sure Hide Project Data Folders is not checked, as those folders will hold Audio Data- which will free up the most space on your device.