1. In your DAW, create 1 MIDI track, and 3 audio tracks.
2. Drag and drop the MPC plugin onto your MIDI track and close it when it pops up.
3. Set MPC as the input for all of your audio tracks.
4. Set the audio tracks input channels. Each channel should be different for each track.
In this example, I have selected Output 3, 4, Output 5,6, and Output 7,8. This is demonstrated below...
5. Ensure that all of your audio channels are record-armed and set to Auto monitoring. Your tracks should mimic the image below...
6. Connect your MPC console to your computer and set it to Controller Mode.
7. Go to Menu > Browse > select a sample from your chosen destination > select the Load button. Do this 3 times.
8. Assign the samples to your pads by going to Menu > Browse > Sample Assign tab.
9. Go to Menu > Pad Mixer.
10. Select the ROUTE tab.
11. Double tap on the onscreen pads which represent the samples you assigned, set the output for each pad to match the outputs you selected in step 4. Your screen should mimic the image below...
Each pad should now be correctly routed into your Ableton Live tracks. You are now free to record these tracks.